4 Reasons to Call in the Tree Service Pros

At Precision Landscaping Corporation, we understand the pride that comes with maintaining your property. However, even the handiest homeowners often lack the knowledge and tools to properly care for trees, leaving them susceptible to pests, disease, and other damage. Knowing … Continued

3 Tree-Trimming Mistakes to Avoid

Tree trimming may sound like a relatively straightforward process. After all, how hard could it be to cut away a few branches? However, the tree experts at Precision Landscaping Corporation have seen a few too many trees fall victim to … Continued

3 Signs Your Tree Needs Trimmed

Although they are beautiful, trees require some upkeep. You should be aware of when to hire a tree trimming service whether you live in the woods or have some in your front yard for landscaping. If you don’t prune them, … Continued

3 Reasons You Should Not Attempt to Trim Your Own Trees

Hardworking Ohio homeowners are used to handling their own landscaping. Mowing, landscaping, and snow removal are all well within their abilities. However, when it comes to tree trimming, many homeowners find themselves out of their depth. At Precision Landscaping Corporation, … Continued

3 Reasons to Call a Tree Trimming Professional

For the average Cleveland homeowner, little thought is put into the trees on the property until one becomes a problem. However, just like all living things, trees require proper care in order to stay healthy. And, just like most home … Continued

Choosing and Planting the Right Types of Trees

Homeowners love trees. They provide shade and privacy, they’re aesthetically pleasing, and they add value to your home and neighborhood. However, if you’re thinking of adding a few trees to your Ohio home this spring, there is more to think … Continued

3 Reasons to Hire Professional Tree Service

Even for the handiest and most experienced homeowner, tree trimming and removal can be tricky and potentially dangerous. That’s why our team at Precision Landscaping Corporation in Ohio always recommends calling in the professionals, to ensure that your trees remain … Continued

4 Ways to Wake Up Your Landscaping This Spring

Spring is finally just around the corner in Cleveland, OH, and its time to start thinking about putting away your boots and snow shovels and taking stock of what kind of care you can start giving to your yard. Our … Continued

Answering the Top 5 Questions for Pruning This Winter

It’s officially winter throughout the Midwest, and outdoor work for the homeowner is usually limited to shoveling snow and spreading salt on the sidewalks and driveway. With a fresh coat of snow covering the ground, all of your outdoor landscaping … Continued

The Ultimate Fall Landscaping Cheat Sheet

Feeling overwhelmed by the endless to-do list of outdoor fall maintenance and clean-up? Let the experts from Cleveland’s premier landscaping contractors help. The following cheat sheet from Precision Landscaping Corporation will get you started on some basic fall landscaping and … Continued